How do I Prepare for my Initial Consultation?

First and foremost, thank you for choosing Sleep Medicine of DFW! We make your sleep our priority so that as you sleep better, you can begin to live better.
Time is a valuable resource you can’t get back; for this reason, we created this page so that you will get the most out of your initial in-person consultation with our clinical team. On it, we cover everything you need to know and how to best prepare for your first visit with us.
Let’s start with a tedious yet vital part of your first appointment: your sleep journal. We know you thought we were going to say paperwork! Trust us, we will get to that.
If you find yourself struggling with sleep, it’s an excellent idea to start keeping a sleep log. You will start with marking the time you are in bed, ready to fall asleep. If you wake at any point during your sleep, mark the time you woke along with anything in particular that you think may be keeping you up. These may include external factors, such as light or noise, or internal ones, such as intrusive feelings or thoughts of stress, anxiety, worry, or depression. Repeat this step as often as you wake throughout the night.
Finally, you will mark when you are awake throughout the day, being sure to mark any time throughout the day you feel drowsy or take a nap. You should keep your sleep journal for 1-2 weeks, depending on your appointment date. You will then bring your sleep journal with you to your initial appointment.
Next, you will want to ensure all your new patient paperwork, including insurance details, are completed and ready for review at least 24 hours before your scheduled visit.
The following is a list of items to bring to your first visit with our providers:
- A record of your most recent blood work & a list of current medications
- The results or diagnoses from any prior sleep studies
- If applicable, your PAP machine
Feel free to share your files with us electronically or bring them in with you to your first appointment.
If you were not able to complete the paperwork in advance, it is always a good idea to arrive a minimum of 30 minutes early to ensure adequate time for your check-in process.
If you were able to complete the necessary steps prior to your visit, please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow time for your check-in.